The Journey: My Life so far........

Monday, June 11, 2007


After finishing my examinations…..I caught a flight from Pune to Delhi the very next day…….Clinton gifted me a cool putting stick and 3 golf balls….which was basically made to beat the stress at the office……..Really sweet of him…Since he gave it to me an hour before I was leaving the hostel I had to put it in my hand baggage……And then the drama began at the airport…….I always love going to Pune airport early as they have a bar call the Port Lounge on the 1st floor of the airport………So after having a beer……….Ahen and I decided its time for security check…….Ya so far whenever I have travelled to Pune or am going to any other city from Pune ……I have always had the pleasure of travelling with a member of the opposite sex…….The airport security informed me that I could not take the golf set as a part of my hand baggage……so I again went back to the check in counter……and was telling them that something needs to be done about it………This type incident happened once before with a friend of mine and normally the ailines accommodate the request and ask an air hostess to carry the package……..The man in the check in counter asked me do you know anyone else who is travelling on the airline…I said no but then when you are in Pune a college friend cannot be far behind……..And suddenly I get a tap on the shoulder…..Mohit I am travelling on the same flight and I went damn…..someone had to open her mouth… the golf set went in her check in baggage………..So touched down in Delhi…….I was like am going to enjoy home as much as I can……..Few things needed to be done first……Ritz Carlton had asked me to find a place for her in Delhi which would be close to her office and so had Tattya who was looking for a place in Gurgaon……….The places were really not hard to find……But they both were landing on the same day…….I wish Micheal Scumacher had been my driver that day………First I fetched Ritz…….dropped her to her place…..chilled with her for a bit. Then I got a call from Ahen that we should surprise Ritz since it was her birthday the next day…….This happened when I was on my way to fetch Tattya…..Then fetched him from the airport……dropped him to his palce…….had dinner with my brothers friends in Gurgaon……went back to connought place to wish Ritz…….After dropping Ahen I was saying to myself where is my bed……..

So after a weeks pampering…..the time had come… board the flight to Frankfurt… … The rush at the airport was crazy……..I think most of the time at the airport was spent stading in the immigration queue……The flight would take 8 hours to reach Frankfurt……..Thank god for Steve Jobs and Apple if it was not for my ipod I would probably jumped out of the plane………So I finally reached Frankfurt……The first task was to collect my apartment keys……using the underground with 1 suitcase and 1 stroller was really not a good idea but definetly a cheaper alternative (guess my sindhi genes had to come out somewhere)……..I slept the entire day after reaching my apartment……..Dinner was with my brother and the Indain family he was staying with……..So second task for the day get the basic essentials from the local supermarket to survive the next day…..To my surprise the area where Î live all the stores close at 1 pm on a Saturday…..So sleeping was not a good idea……..So met up with my brother in the evening and the Indain family……First day in Germany and was already drinking….What a life!!!!!.......
When I was on my second beer I was left alone with the uncle……He was explaining to me how German women like Indian men……..and that since I have the oppurtunity might as well make the most of it……..After all he said that you do not want to tell your friends back home that you did not have any fun……This talk went on for 15 minutes……….I kept listening and nodding my head…..Finally after gulping my last sip of my beer…..I got up looked him in the eye…..and said Uncle I have girl friend back home and have no intention of screwing a gori………And I left the room……On the dinner table……The unlce looks at me and says naam toh bata de………My brother looks at me and says you have a girlfreind…….I thought to myself well done I have got myself in a mess Well Done!!!!!!....No girlfreind in sight and this man is asking me for a name……So I did the smart thing changed the topic………..But it did not end there he was asking me whether she cooks for me and I told him I live in a hostel and we really don’t get the time to cook…….. Well done one more situation to handle back home………..

On Sunday I got up at 5 in the morning with nothing to do……I went for a stroll be the river Main……..which became my fortress of solitude for the next few months……I would just sit by the river……with nothing on my mind…….Around 9 am I decided to check out how long it takes to reach the office…..So I took out the map which was emailed to me by my employers………And followed it……According to the map the place did not look far……So I walked walked and walked…….At one point I stopped,checked the map to see if I was going in the right direction… I was walking down a street which had stores like world of sex, Dr müller, beaute heause and eros centres…..I was walking in frankfurts largest red light districts……Well done 2nd day and you have already found the red light area………So finally figured that the red light area was one the streets I had to walk to get to work……..What a Life!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u missed smthing u told me that u met a pro..on that second day and njoyed urself...dude y did u miss that...ha ha ha....neway interseting keep it up...looking fwd to next which we can find smthing oder than.... ha ha ha...u know better....

10:22 AM  

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