The Journey: My Life so far........

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Finally the day arrived…….The first day of internship…….I had been asked to report at 9 am and contact a Mr. Deppe…….. Still being in the Indian time zone I got up at 5 am…….So decided to walk……For the first time I did not feel out of place…….Wearing a suit and the tie which Ritz had given me before leaving. Frankfurt being a commercial city with a large number of banks everyone seemed to wear a suit to work…….The weather was really nice………And the walk even better…. So after a 45 minute walk I reached my office….At the reception met the first person in 2 days who could speak good english (Plus she was cute)……….She asked me to wait as Mr. Deppe was on on his way down………I saw a man walking towards me and he resembled Greg Chappell………My name is Deppe…….I still did not know where he was taking me………….After grabbing a coffee each…..He took to where I was going to work for the next two months…….It was the trading floor……The largest in Europe………….He introduced me to his entire team (Corporate risk Advisory)……….. I was to be part of the Înterest rate team……..
Which had 4 germans, a french guy and 1 Indian (We seem to be everywhere)……..
The first week went by understanding systems………How things work blah blah and was given a lot of material to read……..On the 3rd day was finally given a table to work on…….The Indian guy……..showed me where I was going to sit and said the rest is going to be explained by__________. She was a lady in her forties…….. She was looking for an oppurtunity to be alone with me for some reason…..She was wearing a skirt and kept crossing her legs………I was ignoring it……..As she explained how to choose my password and to which printers I shall have access……She tells me in a seductive voice…..If you need anything just call me…..Taking the notebook which was lying on my table and the pen from my shirt pocket…….And she left just saying Call me…….. Why could not she been of my age……….I was like hell……… uncle was right german women do like Indain men……………I never did call her for anything……….Work would take most of my time in Germany…….Timings were from 8 am to 6 pm………
Sandwhihces and youghrt was my staple diet for the next 2 months………….I was really amazed by the work culture though in Germany………In India if you had a meeting with a client at 10 am you would go directly for the meeting and not go to office or if you had a 3 pm meeting you would not return to office untill the next day to submit your report………Germany was different………..I really appreciated their work culture…………..
Lunches in the canteen were a merry go round……I would often stand right in the middle and wonder what could I eat today……..Am a very fussy eater and normally a lot of food items do not agree with my taste buds……..And for the fact that I could not digest the amount of meat that was offered for lunch…………But would look forward to every 3rd Friday of the month where the canteen would serve soya bean romali roll………….The evening muffins were also to die for…….The coffee was nothing great at work and always wished for an Assam black tea for the months to come……..
The first weekend I found myself doing what I did on the 2nd day walking………So finally after 3 hours of walking in the city……..Was roaming around and was tempted to walk into a topless bar……..So went up and tried to push the door…….To my surprise it was shut………..And then a womans head popped out of no where and said Deutsche or english………I with my obvious reasons said english……..She said to enter you have to pay 30 euros………there is sauna, adult movie theatre and naked women all over…..And if you want there are rooms downstairs where you can for 50 euros get a bang and a blow…….and do her in which ever position you want……….I just stared at her not knowing what to say……….She said do you wanna enter……I said no………….All my friends would think am such a wuss………But sleeping with prostitutes is not my thing……………

So conclusion after 1 week in Frankfurt………There are 3 things you can get for 24 hours a day food,alcohol and sex……….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tharki mota

7:21 AM  

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